These tables of point configurations on spheres were created by N. J. A. Sloane based on joint work with R. H. Hardin, W. D. Smith, and others. Sloane has since retired from AT&T Labs, and I’ve taken over maintaining the tables. Please let me know if you can improve on any of these records.

The table of packings that was previously part of these tables has now been superseded by this table.

On this page there are tables of coverings, designs, maximal volume arrangements, and minimal-energy hard-sphere clusters, as well as packings, coverings, and maximal volume arrangements with icosahedral symmetry. The original tables also included tables of minimizers for the Coulomb and Lennard-Jones potentials, but those tables have been superseded by the Cambridge Energy Landscape Database.

All numbers in these tables are rounded in the worse direction. For example, minimal distances in packings are rounded down, while covering radii are rounded up.

You can download a tar file of all these configurations here. The file names are as specified below for each individual table, and the files list one point per line, with coordinates separated by commas.

Coverings by N spherical caps in 3 dimensions

These calculations were done by R. H. Hardin, N. J. A. Sloane, and W. D. Smith in 1994. The corresponding files in the data set are named cov3-N.txt.

N Covering radius
4 70.5287794°
5 63.4349489°
6 54.7356104°
7 51.0265527°
8 48.1395291°
9 45.8788879°
10 42.3078267°
11 41.4271960°
12 37.3773682°
13 37.0685428°
14 34.9379270°
15 34.0399002°
16 32.8988128°
17 32.0929329°
18 31.0131719°
19 30.3686749°
20 29.6230959°
21 28.8244769°
22 27.8100588°
23 27.4818687°
24 26.8126364°
25 26.3287855°
26 25.8449223°
27 25.2509549°
28 24.6589490°
29 24.3683987°
30 23.8787580°
31 23.6119921°
32 22.6904805°
33 22.5905117°
34 22.3314637°
35 22.0725569°
36 21.6994390°
37 21.3100299°
38 21.0698585°
39 20.8511245°
40 20.4721354°
41 20.3177153°
42 20.0480918°
43 19.8428334°
44 19.6375705°
45 19.4207407°
46 19.1586113°
47 18.9924594°
48 18.6892566°
49 18.5926797°
50 18.3000226°
51 18.1990012°
52 18.0544758°
53 17.8845735°
54 17.6791448°
55 17.5222393°
56 17.3501140°
57 17.1758476°
58 17.0199611°
59 16.9034031°
60 16.7719330°
61 16.6391846°
62 16.4906597°
63 16.3679364°
64 16.1940191°
65 16.1114062°
66 15.9550615°
67 15.8581808°
68 15.7236959°
69 15.5950401°
70 15.4951288°
71 15.3918905°
72 15.1445321°
73 15.1164438°
74 15.0311866°
75 14.9454278°
76 14.8539208°
77 14.7449905°
78 14.6550578°
79 14.5627674°
80 14.4503043°
81 14.3767803°
82 14.2863118°
83 14.2239571°
84 14.1157902°
85 14.0452618°
86 13.9626271°
87 13.8849703°
88 13.7904978°
89 13.7120949°
90 13.6208737°
91 13.5633748°
92 13.4878634°
93 13.4258226°
94 13.3486302°
95 13.2858097°
96 13.2112887°
97 13.1421391°
98 13.0644481°
99 12.9972792°
100 12.9360973°
101 12.8693268°
102 12.8065481°
103 12.7396985°
104 12.6710008°
105 12.6206479°
106 12.5580705°
107 12.4984677°
108 12.4268412°
109 12.3823879°
110 12.3000527°
111 12.2463575°
112 12.1906904°
113 12.1475148°
114 12.0965651°
115 12.0509312°
116 11.9886435°
117 11.9433898°
118 11.8858176°
119 11.8437245°
120 11.7866487°
121 11.7339187°
122 11.6770715°
123 11.6364348°
124 11.5887834°
125 11.5384928°
126 11.4894028°
127 11.4535231°
128 11.4068507°
129 11.3563380°
130 11.3165625°

N-point spherical t-designs in 3 dimensions

This data accompanies the paper McLaren’s improved snub cube and other new spherical designs in three dimensions by R. H. Hardin and N. J. A. Sloane (Discrete Comput. Geom. 15 (1996), 429–441, doi:10.1007/BF02711518, arXiv:math/0207211). The corresponding files in the data set are named des3-Nt.txt.

The following table, which is essentially Table 1 from the paper, gives the putatively optimal design strength t for N points on a sphere in three dimensions. See the paper for references and explanations.

N t Group Order Orbits Description
1 0 1 single point
2 1 2 2 antipodal points
3 1 [2,3] 12 3 equilateral triangle
4 2 [3,3] 24 4 regular tetrahedron
5 1 [2,3] 12 3+2 triangular bipyramid
6 3 [3,4] 48 6 regular octahedron
7 2 [3] 6 32+1
8 3 [3,4] 48 8 cube
9 2 [2,3] 12 6+3 triangular biprism
10 3 [2+,10] 20 10 pentagonal prism
11 3 [2,3]+ 6 6+3+2
12 5 [3,5] 120 12 regular icosahedron
13 3 [4] 8 43+1
14 4 [2,3]+ 6 62+2
15 3 [2,5] 20 10+5
16 5 [3,3]+ 12 12+4 hexakis truncated tetrahedron
17 4 [2,3]+ 6 62+3+2
18 5 [2+,6] 12 12+6
19 4 [3] 6 62+32+1
20 5 [3,5] 120 20 regular dodecahedron
21 4 [2,3] 12 12+6+3
22 5 [2+,10] 20 102+2
23 5 [2,3]+ 6 63+3+2
24 7 [3,4]+ 24 24 improved snub cube
25 5 [2,5]+ 10 102+5
26 6 [2,3]+ 6 64+2
27 5 [2,3] 12 122+3
28 6 [2+,4] 8 83+4
29 6 [2]+ 2 214+1
30 7 [3,4]+ 24 24+6 tetrakis snub cube
31 6 [5]+ 5 56+1
32 7 [3,4]+ 24 24+8 snub cube + cube
33 6 [2,3]+ 6
34 7 [2,4]+ 8
35 6 [2,5]+ 10 103+5
36 8 [3,3]+ 12 123 3 snub tetrahedra
37 7 [3]+ 3
38 7 [3,4]+ 24 24+8+6
39 7 [2,3]+ 6
40 8 [3,3]+ 12 123+4
41 7 [2,3]+ 6
42 8 [2,4]+ 8
43 7 [6]+ 6
44 8 [3,3]+ 12 123+42
45 8 [2]+ 2
46 8 [2,4]+ 8
47 8 [2,3]+ 6
48 9 [3,4]+ 24 242 two snub cubes
49 8 [4]+ 4
50 9 [2,6]+ 12 124+2
51 8 [2,3]+ 6
52 9 [3,3]+ 12 124+4
53 8 [2,3]+ 6
54 9 [3,4]+ 24 242+6
55 9 [2]+ 2
56 9 [3+,4] 24 242+8
57 9 [2,3]+ 6
58 9 [2,4]+ 8
59 9 [2,3]+ 6
60 10 [3,3]+ 12 125 5 snub tetrahedra
61 9 [6]+ 6
62 10 [2,3]+ 6
63 9 [2,7]+ 14 144+7
64 10 [3,3]+ 12 125+4
65 10 [2]+ 2
66 10 [2,4]+ 8
67 10 [2]+ 2
68 10 [2+,4] 8
69 10 [4]+ 4
70 11 [2,5]+ 10 107
71 10 [2,3+] 6
72 11 [3,5]+ 60 60+12 pentakis truncated icosahedron
73 10 [4]+ 4
74 11 [2,6]+ 12 126+2
75 11 [2]+ 2
76 11 [3,3]+ 12 126+4
77 11 [4]+ 4
78 11 [3,4]+ 24 243+6
79 11 [2]+ 2
80 11 [3,5]+ 60 60+20 hexakis truncated icosahedron
81 11 [4]+ 4
82 11 [2+,10+] 10 108+2
83 11 [2,3]+ 6
84 12 [3,3]+ 12 127 7 snub tetrahedra
85 11 [2,5]+ 10
86 12 [2,2]+ 4
87 12 [1]+ 1
88 12 [3,3]+ 12 127+4
89 12 [2]+ 2
90 12 [2,4]+ 8
91 12 [2]+ 2
92 12 [3,3]+ 12 127+42
93 12 [4]+ 4
94 13 [2+,2+] 2
95 12 [2]+ 2
96 13 [3,3]+ 12 128 8 snub tetrahedra
97 12 [4]+ 4
98 13 [2,4]+ 8
99 12 [2] 4
100 13 [3,3]+ 12 128+4

Maximal volume arrangements of N points on a unit sphere in 3 dimensions

These calculations were done by R. H. Hardin, N. J. A. Sloane, and W. D. Smith in 1994. The corresponding files in the data set are named maxvol3-N.txt.

N Volume
4 0.5132002
5 0.8660254
6 1.3333333
7 1.5850941
8 1.8157161
9 2.0437501
10 2.2187111
11 2.3546344
12 2.5361507
13 2.6128341
14 2.7209778
15 2.8043793
16 2.8864553
17 2.9475229
18 3.0096132
19 3.0632162
20 3.1185387
21 3.1644416
22 3.2082399
23 3.2469420
24 3.2839952
25 3.3162635
26 3.3493598
27 3.3804160
28 3.4073797
29 3.4309531
30 3.4551257
31 3.4798018
32 3.5048740
33 3.5193039
34 3.5381696
35 3.5550943
36 3.5724490
37 3.5900114
38 3.6049983
39 3.6202729
40 3.6341303
41 3.6469596
42 3.6593520
43 3.6709063
44 3.6825759
45 3.6925967
46 3.7025257
47 3.7126857
48 3.7228853
49 3.7314376
50 3.7409408
51 3.7492845
52 3.7571646
53 3.7652096
54 3.7728949
55 3.7802724
56 3.7872202
57 3.7942474
58 3.8008292
59 3.8072864
60 3.8138351
61 3.8194385
62 3.8252192
63 3.8311172
64 3.8366352
65 3.8416863
66 3.8468056
67 3.8522928
68 3.8569277
69 3.8615737
70 3.8661887
71 3.8707190
72 3.8757470
73 3.8792822
74 3.8831655
75 3.8873096
76 3.8912264
77 3.8954100
78 3.8992201
79 3.9025484
80 3.9058168
81 3.9091706
82 3.9125326
83 3.9158307
84 3.9190545
85 3.9222465
86 3.9253555
87 3.9283380
88 3.9313639
89 3.9341831
90 3.9369908
91 3.9396920
92 3.9424750
93 3.9449378
94 3.9475765
95 3.9500387
96 3.9524804
97 3.9548457
98 3.9572867
99 3.9595009
100 3.9617533
101 3.9639988
102 3.9660958
103 3.9682394
104 3.9703323
105 3.9723428
106 3.9743768
107 3.9763828
108 3.9783768
109 3.9802460
110 3.9821639
111 3.9840969
112 3.9858978
113 3.9876200
114 3.9893313
115 3.9910376
116 3.9927304
117 3.9943534
118 3.9959896
119 3.9976502
120 3.9992018
121 4.0008552
122 4.0025594
123 4.0038205
124 4.0052267
125 4.0067521
126 4.0081066
127 4.0096407
128 4.0109471
129 4.0123215
130 4.0136555

Minimal-energy clusters of N hard spheres in n dimensions

Here the problem is how to arrange N non-overlapping unit spheres so as to minimize the second moment about their centroid. This data accompanies the paper Minimal-energy clusters of hard spheres by N. J. A. Sloane, R. H. Hardin, T. D. S. Duff, and J. H. Conway (Discrete Comput. Geom. 14 (1995), 237–259, doi:10.1007/BF02570704). The corresponding files in the data set are named clust-nN.txt.

n N Moment
3 4 6.0000000
3 5 9.3333334
3 6 12.0000000
3 7 16.6832816
3 8 21.1566742
3 9 25.8989795
3 10 31.8278963
3 11 37.8346428
3 12 42.8162588
3 13 47.7012169
3 14 54.8783069
3 15 62.1070790
3 16 69.7925796
3 17 78.1282260
3 18 86.3012403
3 19 95.1283746
3 20 105.0434487
3 21 114.2222223
3 22 122.4848485
3 23 131.7681160
3 24 141.2777778
3 25 151.6266667
3 26 161.3333334
3 27 172.8888889
3 28 183.7619048
3 29 193.4559387
3 30 205.7135803
3 31 217.3094385
3 32 229.3750001
3 33 240.8305275
3 34 253.1764706
3 35 265.6380953
3 36 277.8518519
3 37 289.7297298
3 38 300.0000000
3 39 317.5384616
3 40 334.3000001
3 41 349.2032521
3 42 364.0952381
3 43 378.5116280
3 44 392.6060607
3 45 408.7111112
3 46 422.9565218
3 47 440.0000000
3 48 456.4166667
3 49 473.1700681
3 50 489.3333334
3 51 504.8714597
3 52 520.6495727
3 53 537.0398323
3 54 553.6378601
3 55 568.8969697
3 56 586.1904762
3 57 603.1578948
3 58 619.7471265
3 59 634.6666667
3 60 656.0814815
3 61 676.8597450
3 62 697.9139785
3 63 717.1428572
3 64 735.8333334
3 65 757.0666667
3 66 778.0942761
3 67 799.2968491
3 68 820.2360204
3 69 840.7149759
3 70 861.9492064
3 71 882.2159625
3 72 902.6666667
3 73 924.1095891
3 74 944.1621622
3 75 964.1600001
3 76 986.3157895
3 77 1008.1038962
3 78 1031.0978158
3 79 1052.7594937
3 80 1073.3333334
3 81 1094.4032922
3 82 1115.7398375
3 83 1137.3333334
3 84 1161.0476191
3 85 1185.3333334
3 86 1210.3720931
3 87 1235.0191571
3 88 1260.1969698
3 89 1285.7078652
3 90 1309.6711285
3 91 1334.9368293
3 92 1360.2940080
3 93 1385.5592027
3 94 1411.6933350
3 95 1436.7937623
3 96 1461.1296297
3 97 1485.0624921
3 98 1508.8052407
3 99 1532.2299539
4 5 8.0000000
4 6 11.0000000
4 7 13.7142858
4 8 16.0000000
4 9 20.6075097
4 10 24.0000000
4 11 27.8080495
4 12 31.5497036
4 13 36.0832338
4 14 40.2135514
4 15 44.5974258
4 16 49.5232044
4 17 55.1043519
4 18 60.6925988
4 19 65.9112023
4 20 69.9411255
4 21 76.8885860
4 22 82.8375730
4 23 87.4782609
4 24 91.8333334
4 25 96.0000000
4 26 103.6923077
4 27 111.1111112
4 28 118.2462885
4 29 124.7058825
4 30 131.1804111
4 31 138.6265098
4 32 145.0449556

Packings of N points on a sphere in 3 dimensions with icosahedral symmetry

These calculations were done by R. H. Hardin, N. J. A. Sloane, and W. D. Smith between 1994 and 2000. The corresponding files in the data set are named ipack3-N.txt.

The configurations in this table are all invariant under the rotational symmetries of the regular icosahedron. Specifically, they are invariant under the rotations (x,y,z) → (-x,-y,z), (x,y,z) → (y,z,x), and (x,y,z) → (αx – βy + z/2, βx + y/2 + αz, –x/2 + αy + βz), where α = (51/2-1)/4 and β = (51/2+1)/4. To save space, the file contains only one point in each orbit. The only points that occur in these files with nontrivial stabilizers are (1,0,0), (3-1/2,3-1/2,3-1/2), and ((50-10⋅51/2)1/2/10, (50+10⋅51/2)1/2/10,0).

N Minimal angle
60 26.8212672°
72 24.8397619°
80 23.2968305°
90 20.1626222°
92 21.3565202°
102 19.3482659°
110 20.1036108°
120 19.3240199°
122 18.7125471°
132 18.3665154°
140 16.5945955°
150 17.1075770°
152 16.2248754°
162 16.1321920°
170 14.8456316°
180 15.8187591°
182 14.5150376°
192 15.1786631°
200 14.9957661°
210 13.9016164°
212 14.4686011°
222 13.7488481°
230 13.1414711°
240 13.5582065°
242 12.9608113°
252 13.0148857°
260 13.1183200°
270 12.9369929°
272 12.6325892°
282 12.4413806°
290 12.0198028°
300 12.2532100°
302 12.0021534°
312 11.9373561°
320 11.5741321°
330 11.2504042°
332 11.4927363°
342 10.9548798°
350 11.1860732°
360 11.2024757°
362 10.8533792°
372 10.9237102°
380 10.8967748°
390 10.3507709°
392 10.5881051°
402 10.2554418°
410 10.3359904°
420 10.3400850°
422 10.2459522°
432 10.1529059°
440 9.8001885°
450 9.8979242°
452 9.7202420°
462 9.8320464°
470 9.7349506°
480 9.6937434°
482 9.4755147°
492 9.4643776°
500 9.4212804°
510 9.4031989°
512 9.3524847°
522 9.1886038°
530 8.9230077°
540 9.0891735°
542 8.8274874°
552 9.0239937°
560 8.9487383°
570 8.8221122°
572 8.8683528°
582 8.7646412°
590 8.5374731°
600 8.6569116°
602 8.3885665°
612 8.5743273°
620 8.5261743°
630 8.3579318°
632 8.3681410°
642 8.2723693°
650 8.0977578°
660 8.2592976°
662 8.0367323°
672 8.1831041°
680 8.1384497°
690 8.0782820°
692 8.0851606°
702 8.0248120°
710 7.8671044°
720 7.9075339°
722 7.8333858°
732 7.8524502°
740 7.7826079°
750 7.7467383°
752 7.7197487°
762 7.6026191°
770 7.6483478°
780 7.6032035°
782 7.5941387°
792 7.5075987°
800 7.4461115°
810 7.3595689°
812 7.4175884°
822 7.2674146°
830 7.3595689°
840 7.3402581°
842 7.2392374°
852 7.2955763°
860 7.2520937°
870 7.1502922°
872 7.2072109°
882 7.1111613°
890 7.0153910°
900 7.0811605°
902 6.9669822°
912 7.0412669°
920 6.9827864°
930 6.9415928°
932 6.8860230°
942 6.8934557°
950 6.8599238°
960 6.8589310°
962 6.8404101°
972 6.8160292°
980 6.7614327°
990 6.7273440°
992 6.7392799°
1002 6.7087346°
1010 6.6970014°
1020 6.6681391°
1022 6.6551890°
1032 6.6322336°
1040 6.5790862°
1050 6.5696312°
1052 6.5564410°
1062 6.5293185°
1070 6.4531935°
1082 6.3685190°
1112 6.3795686°
1172 6.2225445°
1232 6.0709331°
1292 5.8881818°
1352 5.8000303°
1412 5.6532545°
1472 5.5111948°
1532 5.4284268°
1592 5.3543572°
1652 5.2413674°
1712 5.1496716°
1772 5.0690366°
1832 4.9758495°
1892 4.9121805°
1952 4.8193865°
2012 4.7537428°
2040 4.7169581°
2052 4.7151856°
2060 4.6994245°
2072 4.6955630°
4112 3.3376264°
8192 2.3700355°
32762 1.1860276°
33002 1.1806397°

Coverings by N spherical caps in 3 dimensions with icosahedral symmetry

These calculations were done by R. H. Hardin, N. J. A. Sloane, and W. D. Smith between 1994 and 2000. The corresponding files in the data set are named icov3-Nij.txt.

The icosahedral symmetry is the same as in the previous table. The parameters i and j indicate that vertices of degree 5 are connected by i steps out followed by j steps up along edges, in which case N=2+10(i2+ij+j2).

N Covering radius i j
72 15.1445321° 2 1
92 13.6762972° 3 0
122 11.6856375° 2 2
132 11.2165932° 3 1
162 10.1934606° 4 0
192 9.2462137° 3 2
212 8.8386535° 4 1
252 8.1277102° 5 0
272 7.7606646° 3 3
282 7.6178900° 4 2
312 7.2722947° 5 1
362 6.7588615° 6 0
372 6.6225829° 4 3
392 6.4589656° 5 2
432 6.1703397° 6 1
482 5.8140630° 4 4
492 5.7529244° 5 3
492 5.7847759° 7 0
522 5.5957473° 6 2
572 5.3553545° 7 1
612 5.1546872° 5 4
632 5.0748888° 6 3
642 5.0561151° 8 0
672 4.9297975° 7 2
732 4.7290786° 8 1
752 4.6482959° 5 5
762 4.6172199° 6 4
792 4.5330294° 7 3
812 4.4904796° 9 0
842 4.4021246° 8 2
912 4.2185580° 6 5
912 4.2331691° 9 1
932 4.1742395° 7 4
972 4.0913749° 8 3
1002 4.0386573° 10 0
1032 3.9745099° 9 2
1082 3.8718920° 6 6
1092 3.8539391° 7 5
1112 3.8309534° 10 1
1122 3.8041789° 8 4
1172 3.7253076° 9 3
1212 3.6694362° 11 0
1242 3.6214222° 10 2
1272 3.5697256° 7 6
1292 3.5426550° 8 5
1332 3.4912417° 9 4
1332 3.4982723° 11 1
1392 3.4175778° 10 3
1442 3.3620625° 12 0
1472 3.3176954° 7 7
1472 3.3252106° 11 2
1482 3.3064162° 8 6
1512 3.2746915° 9 5
1562 3.2237309° 10 4
1572 3.2185863° 12 1
1632 3.1556162° 11 3
1692 3.0937120° 8 7
1692 3.1021980° 13 0
1712 3.0760190° 9 6
1722 3.0733098° 12 2
1752 3.0420475° 10 5
1812 2.9927803° 11 4
1832 2.9802004° 13 1
1892 2.9301478° 12 3
1922 2.9022603° 8 8
1932 2.8947016° 9 7
1962 2.8732860° 10 6
1962 2.8796186° 14 0
1992 2.8565576° 13 2
2012 2.8385726° 11 5
2082 2.7916556° 12 4
2112 2.7746165° 14 1
2172 2.7296149° 9 8
2172 2.7341970° 13 3
2192 2.7174066° 10 7
2232 2.6938502° 11 6
2252 2.6868374° 15 0
2282 2.6681381° 14 2
2292 2.6593857° 12 5
2372 2.6151078° 13 4
2412 2.5955134° 15 1
2432 2.5792743° 9 9
2442 2.5739685° 10 8
2472 2.5588419° 11 7
2472 2.5624150° 14 3
2522 2.5341872° 12 6
2562 2.5182463° 16 0
2592 2.5005827° 13 5
2592 2.5028762° 15 2
2682 2.4590127° 14 4
2712 2.4421456° 10 9
2732 2.4333803° 11 8
2732 2.4380930° 16 1
2772 2.4163918° 12 7
2792 2.4106549° 15 3
2832 2.3913880° 13 6
2892 2.3695615° 17 0
2912 2.3590016° 14 5
2922 2.3567762° 16 2
3002 2.3209697° 10 10
3012 2.3170977° 11 9
3012 2.3200992° 15 4
3042 2.3060231° 12 8
3072 2.2986486° 17 1
3092 2.2879060° 13 7
3132 2.2756547° 16 3
3162 2.2630603° 14 6
3242 2.2374539° 18 0
3252 2.2320905° 15 5
3272 2.2267054° 17 2
3312 2.2094283° 11 10
3332 2.2029150° 12 9
3362 2.1957349° 16 4
3372 2.1902680° 13 8
3432 2.1715799° 14 7
3432 2.1742716° 18 1
3492 2.1548139° 17 3
3512 2.1472263° 15 6
3612 2.1177507° 16 5
3612 2.1192978° 19 0
3632 2.1096869° 11 11
3642 2.1067781° 12 10
3642 2.1101757° 18 2
3672 2.0984265° 13 9
3722 2.0847360° 14 8
3732 2.0837934° 17 4
3792 2.0658732° 15 7
3812 2.0626479° 19 1
3872 2.0460388° 18 3
3882 2.0422177° 16 6
3972 2.0171859° 12 11
3992 2.0122181° 13 10
3992 2.0142570° 17 5
4002 2.0129941° 20 0
4032 2.0025533° 14 9
4032 2.0051864° 19 2
4092 1.9882287° 15 8
4122 1.9825340° 18 4
4172 1.9694745° 16 7
4212 1.9619138° 20 1
4272 1.9466480° 17 6
4272 1.9476248° 19 3
4322 1.9336582° 12 12
4332 1.9314152° 13 11
4362 1.9249619° 14 10
4392 1.9201740° 18 5
4412 1.9143683° 15 9
4412 1.9168447° 21 0
4442 1.9101109° 20 2
4482 1.8997239° 16 8
4532 1.8905196° 19 4
4572 1.8812746° 17 7
4632 1.8705515° 21 1
4682 1.8593435° 18 6
4692 1.8557082° 13 12
4692 1.8581708° 20 3
4712 1.8518305° 14 11
4752 1.8442783° 15 10
4812 1.8330665° 16 9
4812 1.8343044° 19 5
4842 1.8294610° 22 0
4872 1.8236130° 21 2
4892 1.8183331° 17 8
4962 1.8065577° 20 4
4992 1.8003168° 18 7
5072 1.7847401° 13 13
5072 1.7873124° 22 1
5082 1.7829755° 14 12
5112 1.7778856° 15 11
5112 1.7793104° 19 6
5132 1.7765152° 21 3
5162 1.7695237° 16 10
5232 1.7579340° 17 9
5252 1.7556398° 20 5
5292 1.7496967° 23 0
5322 1.7432792° 18 8
5322 1.7445857° 22 2
5412 1.7296485° 21 4
5432 1.7257819° 19 7
5472 1.7181595° 14 13
5492 1.7150753° 15 12
5532 1.7090632° 16 11
5532 1.7111601° 23 1
5562 1.7057031° 20 6
5592 1.7001244° 17 10
5592 1.7016879° 22 3
5672 1.6883459° 18 9
5712 1.6833265° 21 5
5762 1.6765969° 24 0
5772 1.6738914° 19 8
5792 1.6721041° 23 2
5882 1.6571176° 14 14
5882 1.6589495° 22 4
5892 1.6557038° 15 13
5892 1.6569650° 20 7
5922 1.6516178° 16 12
5972 1.6449022° 17 11
6012 1.6412272° 24 1
6032 1.6377979° 21 6
6042 1.6355778° 18 10
6072 1.6328722° 23 3
6132 1.6237532° 19 9
6192 1.6166391° 22 5
6242 1.6095836° 20 8
6252 1.6093598° 25 0
6282 1.6053896° 24 2
6312 1.5995891° 15 14
6332 1.5970953° 16 13
6372 1.5922305° 17 12
6372 1.5932548° 21 7
6372 1.5937456° 23 4
6432 1.5849924° 18 11
6512 1.5754336° 19 10
6512 1.5767821° 25 1
6522 1.5749732° 22 6
6572 1.5693756° 24 3
6612 1.5636680° 20 9
6692 1.5549559° 23 5
6732 1.5498412° 21 8
6752 1.5465279° 15 15
6762 1.5453780° 16 14
6762 1.5473074° 26 0
6792 1.5420485° 17 13
6792 1.5437817° 25 2
6842 1.5365747° 18 12
6872 1.5341218° 22 7
6882 1.5334263° 24 4
6912 1.5289631° 19 11
7002 1.5192880° 20 10
7682 1.4497746° 16 16
8192 1.4038820° 18 15
8192 1.4053004° 27 3
8672 1.3644140° 17 17
9722 1.2885458° 18 18
10832 1.2206701° 19 19
12002 1.1595872° 20 20
13232 1.1043260° 21 21
14522 1.0540920° 22 22
15872 1.0082292° 23 23
17282 0.9661909° 24 24
18752 0.9275176° 25 25
20282 0.8918211° 26 26
21872 0.8587704° 27 27
23522 0.8280817° 28 28
25232 0.7995107° 29 29
27002 0.7728454° 30 30
28832 0.7479014° 31 31
30722 0.7245172° 32 32
32672 0.7025509° 33 33
34682 0.6818774° 34 34
36752 0.6623857° 35 35
38882 0.6439775° 36 36
41072 0.6265647° 37 37
43322 0.6100687° 38 38
45632 0.5944191° 39 39
48002 0.5795523° 40 40
50432 0.5654110° 41 41
52922 0.5519434° 42 42
55472 0.5391023° 43 43
58082 0.5268452° 44 44
60752 0.5151331° 45 45
63482 0.5039304° 46 46
66272 0.4932045° 47 47
69122 0.4829370° 48 48
72032 0.4730771° 49 49
75002 0.4636117° 50 50
78032 0.4545177° 51 51

Maximal volume arrangements of N points on a unit sphere in 3 dimensions with icosahedral symmetry

These calculations were done by R. H. Hardin, N. J. A. Sloane, and W. D. Smith between 1994 and 2000. The corresponding files in the data set are named imaxvol3-Nij.txt.

The icosahedral symmetry and parameters i and j are the same as above.

N Volume i j
72 3.8757470 2 1
92 3.9424508 3 0
122 4.0025594 2 2
132 4.0164658 3 1
162 4.0480801 4 0
192 4.0699821 3 2
212 4.0810999 4 1
252 4.0981035 5 0
272 4.1047698 3 3
282 4.1077306 4 2
312 4.1154862 5 1
362 4.1255771 6 0
372 4.1272837 4 3
392 4.1304086 5 2
432 4.1357966 6 1
482 4.1412882 4 4
492 4.1422444 7 0
492 4.1422503 5 3
522 4.1449171 6 2
572 4.1487434 7 1
612 4.1513604 5 4
632 4.1525418 6 3
642 4.1531026 8 0
672 4.1546948 7 2
732 4.1574849 8 1
752 4.1583190 5 5
762 4.1587181 6 4
792 4.1598550 7 3
812 4.1605652 9 0
842 4.1615704 8 2
912 4.1636570 9 1
912 4.1636588 6 5
932 4.1641972 7 4
972 4.1652077 8 3
1002 4.1659123 10 0
1032 4.1665771 9 2
1082 4.1676037 6 6
1092 4.1677975 7 5
1112 4.1681736 10 1
1122 4.1683580 8 4
1172 4.1692287 9 3
1212 4.1698733 11 0
1242 4.1703301 10 2
1272 4.1707659 7 6
1292 4.1710446 8 5
1332 4.1715764 11 1
1332 4.1715769 9 4
1392 4.1723182 10 3
1442 4.1728887 12 0
1472 4.1732127 11 2
1472 4.1732133 7 7
1482 4.1733183 8 6
1512 4.1736250 9 5
1562 4.1741100 10 4
1572 4.1742030 12 1
1632 4.1747392 11 3
1692 4.1752370 13 0
1692 4.1752375 8 7
1712 4.1753957 9 6
1722 4.1754731 12 2
1752 4.1757013 10 5
1812 4.1761344 11 4
1832 4.1762722 13 1
1892 4.1766691 12 3
1922 4.1768586 8 8
1932 4.1769203 9 7
1962 4.1771013 14 0
1962 4.1771016 10 6
1992 4.1772773 13 2
2012 4.1773919 11 5
2082 4.1777749 12 4
2112 4.1779311 14 1
2172 4.1782311 13 3
2172 4.1782313 9 8
2192 4.1783276 10 7
2232 4.1785150 11 6
2252 4.1786060 15 0
2282 4.1787398 14 2
2292 4.1787838 12 5
2372 4.1791211 13 4
2412 4.1792813 15 1
2432 4.1793597 9 9
2442 4.1793983 10 8
2472 4.1795121 14 3
2472 4.1795122 11 7
2522 4.1796961 12 6
2562 4.1798378 16 0
2592 4.1799415 15 2
2592 4.1799416 13 5
2682 4.1802384 14 4
2712 4.1803331 10 9
2732 4.1803947 16 1
2732 4.1803949 11 8
2772 4.1805160 12 7
2792 4.1805752 15 3
2832 4.1806912 13 6
2892 4.1808591 17 0
2912 4.1809136 14 5
2922 4.1809405 16 2
3002 4.1811498 10 10
3012 4.1811750 15 4
3012 4.1811752 11 9
3042 4.1812502 12 8
3072 4.1813237 17 1
3092 4.1813721 13 7
3132 4.1814667 16 3
3162 4.1815362 14 6
3242 4.1817151 18 0
3252 4.1817369 15 5
3272 4.1817800 17 2
3312 4.1818647 11 10
3332 4.1819063 12 9
3362 4.1819676 16 4
3372 4.1819879 13 8
3432 4.1821067 18 1
3432 4.1821068 14 7
3492 4.1822215 17 3
3512 4.1822590 15 6
3612 4.1824397 19 0
3612 4.1824397 16 5
3632 4.1824748 11 11
3642 4.1824920 18 2
3642 4.1824921 12 10
3672 4.1825435 13 9
3722 4.1826274 14 8
3732 4.1826439 17 4
3792 4.1827412 15 7
3812 4.1827728 19 1
3872 4.1828661 18 3
3882 4.1828813 16 6
3972 4.1830153 12 11
3992 4.1830441 17 5
3992 4.1830442 13 10
4002 4.1830584 20 0
4032 4.1831011 19 2
4032 4.1831012 14 9
4092 4.1831845 15 8
4122 4.1832253 18 4
4172 4.1832920 16 7
4212 4.1833442 20 1
4272 4.1834206 19 3
4272 4.1834207 17 6
4322 4.1834828 12 12
4332 4.1834951 13 11
4362 4.1835315 14 10
4392 4.1835673 18 5
4412 4.1835910 21 0
4412 4.1835911 15 9
4442 4.1836261 20 2
4482 4.1836722 16 8
4532 4.1837286 19 4
4572 4.1837729 17 7
4632 4.1838379 21 1
4682 4.1838908 18 6
4692 4.1839012 20 3
4692 4.1839013 13 12
4712 4.1839220 14 11
4752 4.1839630 15 10
4812 4.1840231 19 5
4812 4.1840232 16 9
4842 4.1840526 22 0
4872 4.1840818 21 2
4892 4.1841011 17 8
4962 4.1841672 20 4
4992 4.1841950 18 7
5072 4.1842674 22 1
5072 4.1842675 13 13
5082 4.1842764 14 12
5112 4.1843028 19 6
5112 4.1843029 15 11
5132 4.1843203 21 3
5162 4.1843463 16 10
5232 4.1844058 17 9
5252 4.1844224 20 5
5292 4.1844554 23 0
5322 4.1844799 22 2
5322 4.1844799 18 8
5412 4.1845515 21 4
5432 4.1845672 19 7
5472 4.1845981 14 13
5492 4.1846133 15 12
5532 4.1846435 23 1
5532 4.1846435 16 11
5562 4.1846658 20 6
5592 4.1846880 22 3
5592 4.1846880 17 10
5672 4.1847458 18 9
5712 4.1847741 21 5
5762 4.1848090 24 0
5772 4.1848159 19 8
5792 4.1848296 23 2
5882 4.1848902 22 4
5882 4.1848902 14 14
5892 4.1848968 20 7
5892 4.1848968 15 13
5922 4.1849166 16 12
5972 4.1849490 17 11
6012 4.1849745 24 1
6032 4.1849872 21 6
6042 4.1849935 18 10
6072 4.1850122 23 3
6132 4.1850492 19 9
6192 4.1850854 22 5
6242 4.1851151 20 8
6252 4.1851210 25 0
6282 4.1851385 24 2
6312 4.1851559 15 14
6332 4.1851673 16 13
6372 4.1851901 23 4
6372 4.1851901 21 7
6372 4.1851901 17 12
6432 4.1852237 18 11
6512 4.1852674 25 1
6512 4.1852675 19 10
6522 4.1852728 22 6
6572 4.1852996 24 3
6612 4.1853207 20 9
6692 4.1853622 23 5
6732 4.1853826 21 8
6752 4.1853927 15 15
6762 4.1853977 26 0
6762 4.1853977 16 14
6792 4.1854126 25 2
6792 4.1854127 17 13
6842 4.1854374 18 12
6872 4.1854520 22 7
6882 4.1854568 24 4
6912 4.1854713 19 11
7002 4.1855140 20 10
7682 4.1858039 16 16
8192 4.1859898 27 3
8192 4.1859898 18 15
8672 4.1861448 17 17
9722 4.1864305 18 18
10832 4.1866723 19 19
12002 4.1868787 20 20
13232 4.1870564 21 21
14522 4.1872104 22 22
15872 4.1873448 23 23
17282 4.1874627 24 24
18752 4.1875667 25 25
20282 4.1876590 26 26
21872 4.1877413 27 27
23522 4.1878148 28 28
25232 4.1878809 29 29
27002 4.1879405 30 30
28832 4.1879945 31 31
30722 4.1880434 32 32
32672 4.1880880 33 33
34682 4.1881287 34 34
36752 4.1881659 35 35
38882 4.1882001 36 36
41072 4.1882316 37 37
43322 4.1882606 38 38
45632 4.1882874 39 39
48002 4.1883122 40 40
50432 4.1883352 41 41
52922 4.1883567 42 42
55472 4.1883766 43 43
58082 4.1883952 44 44
60752 4.1884125 45 45
63482 4.1884288 46 46
66272 4.1884440 47 47
69122 4.1884582 48 48
72032 4.1884717 49 49
75002 4.1884843 50 50
78032 4.1884961 51 51